

In order to obtain a short-term journalist visa to Pakistan (only for Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi), the following documents should be submitted to the Press Wing of Pakistan Embassy in Moscow via email or in person at Khlebny lane 21, Moscow (please, schedule your visit +7 495 232 61 88):

Visa request letter from the media outlet (with the stamp of the organization); 
Profile of the media outlet;
Journalist’s CV and his contact details (telephone no., email); 
List of equipment (if any); 
Links to the journalist’s past reports on Pakistan (if any);
Passport size picture; 
Passport copy;
Purpose of the visit (reporting, documentary, interview, special assignment);
Scheduled meetings / visits in Pakistan (places/persons).

The Applicant will be invited for a personal interview with the Press Counsellor. 


In order to obtain a transit visa to visit Afghanistan, the following documents should be submitted to the Press Wing of Pakistan Embassy in Moscow via email or in person at Khlebny lane 21, Moscow (please, schedule your visit +7 495 232 61 88):

Valid visa to Afghanistan; 
Flight Booking; 
Duration and Transit dates in Pakistan; 
Visa request letter from the media outlet (with the stamp of the organization); 
Profile of the media outlet;
Journalist’s CV and his contact details (telephone no., email); 
List of equipment (if any); 
Picture (3x4 cm);
Purpose of the visit (reporting, documentary, interview, special assignment);
In case of interest to gather news on Afghanistan in Pakistan – information of scheduled meetings in Pakistan / contacts of the persons to be interacted with or interviewed. 

The Applicant will be invited for a personal interview with the Press Counsellor.